Monday, December 15, 2014

Altared Book Post

Seeing as I forgot to post about my altared book before it was due at noon, I figure I'll say a little something about it now. My altared book is a subject of absolute hatred for me. See before I went to IUPUI, I attended ITT Tech, it was the worst experience of my entire life. It was easy, laid back and simple. We were spoon fed mediocre techniques in outdated software. All for a grand total of $35,000 for a two year program for an associates degree that meant nothing whatsoever. So I included everything I needed to from each assignment we did, thought my main focus was pouring out all the things I would say to any member of ITT Tech's Corporate bullshit artists or anyone attending ITT to try to save them from the hell that I endured for two years because I thought that was what college was. I thought college was getting shoved through class with elevator pitches and used car sales pitches to get my ass in a seat so they could suck the lifeblood of my financial security out of me until there's just a blackened husk as the last penny leaves my cold dead hands in my grave...This project really let me express my frustrations but unfortunately they still linger and are a source of contempt still. I was angry doing this project, doing my satirically sarcastic political cartoon style drawings. It just reminded me of the hell I went through obliviously because no one was there to decipher the financial jargon and the mumbo jumbo knowing that I'll just agree to their imprisoning terms and shitty conditions. They used the bait of "Here you don't have to pay for books" and "you only have to go to classes three days a week to be full time!" to lure students fresh out of high school or those of financial insecurity into their dungeons where they shackle you with that $ ball and chain that only grows at 16% interest. This rant is long but I just wanted to express how much emotion went into this book.

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