Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Work sucks

Work sucks so thats why I missed class on Monday. I HATE MINIMUM WAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sticks with me because I hate getting screwed over so I have to miss out on my education to fill in for people who can't quit correctly...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Rules were made...

This is a page from my comic book for the sequential narrative class. This is an example of breaking "comic flow". Typically comics are supposed to be read and the images within are supposed to form a zigzag pattern across the page leading you to the next page. The last two panels are the panels I chose to really break comic flow because all the direction is pointing left instead of right. I did this one to piss of Matt Powers because he is a bastard about comic flow, and on a more serious note, it gives the reader a sense of strangeness and a sense of being followed. I wanted it to read as creepy and unsettling.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Class Takeaway 4

Its been a while since I've posted but Today I'd really like to talk about the impact the film "Waste Lands" had on me. I thought it was a very interesting documentary that had a dual charm of getting deep down in the lives of these Brazilian garbage pickers and seeing their lives up close and personal and then seeing the change Vik Muniz was trying to make and the statement he was trying to convey. It was a very powerful movie to me and it certainly makes me realize that my life, though I complain and bitch and moan, isn't as bad as the people living in literal drug war zones, and who live among piles of garbage and in shacks made of what looked to be cardboard and tin roofing, surrounded by all manner of vermin, insects, and rodents. The emotion alone after the project was completed and the pickers seeing themselves as literal works of art was vastly superior to what they had been going through in their lives before then. Not to mention the literal act of transforming "garbage", which to these people was the only means to their survival, into works of art worth thousands of dollars and more because of the impact it had on the humble garbage pickers involved. It was great.